Social Sciences

Social Sciences

The Division of Social Sciences is a diverse collection of outstanding departments that focus on some of the most pressing and important issues. The department does teaching, research and extension works that matters, now and to the future. The department comprises the following.

  • Agricultural Economics
  • Agricultural Extension
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science

Courses offered

Course No Course title Credit hours
MAT 111 Applied Mathematics 1+1
COM 111 Fundamentals of Information Technology 1+1
AEC 101 Principles of Agricultural Economics 2+1
STA 201 Applied Statistics 1+1
ARM 201 Fundamentals of Agribusiness Management 1+1
AEC 301 Production Economics and Farm Management 1+1
AEX 301 Extension Methodologies and Transfer of Agricultural Technologies 1+1
AEC 302 Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices 1+1
AEC 401 Agricultural Finance, Banking and Cooperation 1+1